Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Has Bean Coffee Top 10
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
I find this time of year a good time for reflection. Looking back over the past 12 months at what was good, and what was bad.
The one part I don't enjoy is I have to sit down with Roland (our Roast and @hasbeannewboy on twitter) and go through our top ten coffees of the year. But I've been told it entertaining, so I take that bullet for you.
So there are some rules. The most important rule is you can not choose the same country twice in the listing, this is to stop me putting 10 El Salvadorians and Roland putting all Costa Rica.
It's 45 mins long so make sure you pull up[ a brew and make sure your sitting comfortably. If you want to down load it you can from the RRs feed here.
Happy new year !!!